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Keep the Fraternal Community Strong


Come grow with the leading fraternal financial societies. Learn. Share. Empower your field force. Develop your leaders. Unite in our shared purpose of fraternal and financial impact. 

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Why Become A Member?

We are stronger when we’re together.

Build your society’s field force through education and leadership development opportunities offered through FFMA. As a member of FFMA, your society helps to unite and strengthen the fraternal financial community through collaboration.

Fraternal Specific Designations

Provide your field agents the opportunity to earn their FIC, FICF and FFSC designations.

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Leadership Development

Your field managers have access to attend a new fraternal focused leadership development course through Hoopis.

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Support and Exchange Ideas

We lift each other as we share ideas and learn from each other. The unity of purpose is powerful. Join us at the NAFIC convention.

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Continuing Education Opportunities

Offer your field agents CE credit opportunities through Kaplan, including the FIC, FICF and FFSC programs.

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Member Societies

Thanks to our member societies for what you bring as we promote our common cause of fraternal and financial impact in communities.

Artisans Order of Mutual Protection
Catholic Order of Foresters
Catholic Financial Life
Catholic Life Insurance
Catholic United Financial
First Catholic Slovak Ladies Assoc of the USA
FaithLife Financial
GBU Financial
Gleaner Life Insurance Society
Greek Catholic Union of the USA
Knights of Columbus
KJZT Family Life
Luso-American Life Insurance Society
Modern Woodmen of America
1891 Financial Life
National Slovak Society Life (NSS Life)
Polish Roman Catholic Union of America
Providence Association
Russian Brotherhood Organization (RBO)
Serb National Federation
Slovene National Benefit Society (SNPJ)
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
United Transportation Union Insurance Association
William Penn Association
Woman's Life Insurance Society
Woodmen Life

Modern Woodmen of America

Jason Nickles, FIC

The FFMA helps to promote the good we do for communities, both fraternally and financially. The FFMA mission aligns with Modern Woodmen’s high ethical business standards. The FFMA provides a great way to exchange ideas as we promote our common cause of fraternal and financial impact for communities. We all learn from each other and help the community and that unity of purpose is powerful.  

Annual Membership Cost

Membership fees are per society and based on society assets. We want all fraternal societies to be here – no matter how big or small.


$10 billion or more


$100 million – $1 billion


$5 billion – $10 billion


$25 million – $100 million


$1 billion – $5 billion


Under $25 million

Questions? Contact Chuck Driffill, FFMA secretary and treasurer at

Visit NAFIC website for National Association of Fraternal Insurance Counselors (NAFIC) membership costs.

Become a Member

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Contact FFMA for organization bylaws and specific membership information.

2025 NAFIC Convention

Sept. 24-26, 2025 | San Antonio, TX